I had an idea over the summer but it was a bit literal, and I am unsure of whether I want to pursue a narrative approach. In animation, the shots I most love are the establishing shots, the long panoramas. I have been doing a lot of drawing outside coffee shops recently. A street scene, filled with activity and bustle, appeals to me as something to animate.
Mouse pastiche -based upon gesture sketches.

The quality of the animation and visual style is the thing that is most important to me. I am interested in the richness of the moment and of capturing the atmosphere of a scene, much more than telling a story. I dont, in fact, feel I have anything to say. So this leads me to think that an open narrative, from which the viewer can create their own (if they feel the need) would be most suited for what I want to create.
Anyway, enough babble. So here are some concept ideas. Obviously all this stuff needs color. But this is the general style. I want to keep my animation in pen and ink, so I was thinking that maybe I could composit linetests, on a rough pencil background, then print out each frame, and ink the characters and backgrounds together.
This was for the idea I had over summer - an adaptation of a Kahlil Gibran story.

A city bench. I like the idea of making passers-by meet each other on my sketchbook.

More stuff from the Kahlil Gibran idea

So this is kind of my latest idea, although I don't think much of it really. A bit too sentimental and contrived.

Slightly indecipherable in layout too. Basically, the narrative is- (1.) a camera pan past a photo of a young man, to hands playing the piano. purple flowers against a yellow backdrop. old lady playing piano.
(2.) cut to city. music continues. pan up around street scene...young lady watching street busker playing violin. 360ยบ pan round again, through 60 years to modern day britain. as the old lady passes, she looks back at the spot where the busker once stood. i know my images dont actually really tell this story too well, but hey.
Yeah, thats it for now. I will be trying to be fairly regular in posts, and use this site as a way to get feedback on my ideas - so please leave comments. Especially incoherent abuse.
(2.) cut to city. music continues. pan up around street scene...young lady watching street busker playing violin. 360ยบ pan round again, through 60 years to modern day britain. as the old lady passes, she looks back at the spot where the busker once stood. i know my images dont actually really tell this story too well, but hey.
Yeah, thats it for now. I will be trying to be fairly regular in posts, and use this site as a way to get feedback on my ideas - so please leave comments. Especially incoherent abuse.
1 comment:
Watch "Walking" by Ryan Larkin (1968)
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